Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Rain Rain Go Away!

I woke up this morning to the booming of thunder! My first thought was, "oh no! Its Welcome Week!" We are on the brink of Welcome Week at Bethel University. TODAY begins the amazing phenomenon of freshman move-in! Freshman move-in days at Bethel are a spectacle to see! You pull up, are greeted by the president of the university, are directed towards your dorm where you park and are mobbed by loads and loads of volunteer movers (upperclassmen). They move all you stuff into your room (usually the right one) before you can blink! It is utterly amazing! But rain makes it not as fun, gives the day a little gloom, and probably makes it a little harder for the already weary and emotional parents and students. Please help me pray away the rain! We need it to be sunny today and tomorrow (at least until 2 I think. :-) )

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