Well, its almost August!!! I love August because it means I get to see the Covells! The Covells were my college and career group leaders when I was in school. Now, two kids later, they are missionaries in Ireland. Three years ago, Jon and Stacey (Covell) put out a request in their support letter mentioning they needed someone to watch their boys while they were at their yearly missionary conference. This was all very last minute, but I decided to go and Erin agreed to go with me! We bought our tickets at the end of June and headed over to Ireland in August! The boys are great! They were 8 months and 2 then. Now they are 3 and 4 years old (no more nappies-diapers)!!! So big! We went two years in a row and then last year the Covells came here on furlough. This year we get to go back again! They have a new house this year. I am so excited. My favorite thing about visiting them is hanging out in their neighborhood. We make fast friends with everyone there because we bring American Chocolate Chip Cookies, something they are unfamiliar with there but love! We walk to the market every day (we even tried not to one day, but ended up having to go buy wipes) and walk by roundabouts. So fun! :-) Another highlight was two years

ago. We got to see Brandon and Kristy coming to Ireland to become missionaries. Usually we see the state site of things: the commissionings, the farewell dinners, and the fundraising. It was interesting to see them go through the process of buying a car, finding a house, and being completely jetlag and exhausted!!!!! We will be gone two weeks, most of the time watching the boys and the rest of the time touring Ireland!!! Touring is fun. We have visited Dublin (we visited Christ Church where Handel's Messiah was first played), Trim Castle (built in 700 A.D.), Galway, and Kilkenney. We just hop a train from their house to Dublin and can go anywhere from Dublin by bus. Even Galway (on the other side of the country) is only a 3 hour ride. This year we might visit the Guiness Factory since we haven't done that yet and go on an overnight trip with Stacey. This will be our first year transferring in New York!!! We try to transfer in Chicago (I've done international flights through there many times so customs is familiar), but it was not doable with this year's prices. I am a little nervous about the big unfamiliar airport, but we're adventurous and will be fine.
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