Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Beautiful Mess

I am constantly agonizing over the never-ending cluttered state of my apartment. It is constantly messy and there is no catching up to it! The other morning, as I sat with my coffee carefully looking over a horrible mess left from movie night the night before, I began to see the mess as beautiful! The scattered blankets (not only on the sofas but also on the floor) reminded me I had too many people over to even fit on my chairs! The popcorn kernels littering my floor so bad it reminded me of the dollar theater reminded me that I have enough money to feed not only my own mouth, but those who came. The glitter strewn about my house reminded me of the fun we had and how comfortable my neighbor kids feel knocking on my door. The pile of dishes reminded me how I can still teach a kid how to make decent cookies. Yes, it was a mess of sticky pop spills, crushed popcorn, cookie crumbs, and glitter crafts but it was beautiful! I would not trade welcoming people into my home for a clean house! Maybe that's why heaven will be so great....people but not messy houses :-)

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